What Makes Wireless Networks Interfere With Each Other?
14 Sep 2021
3 minutes

Are you frustrated by a slow internet connection? Unless you live in a remote place with few neighbours, this is likely to be an issue for you. But, before we look at what could be interfering with your Wi-Fi, let's define it.
What exactly is Wi-Fi?
In layman's terms, Wi-Fi allows electronic devices such as cellphones, tablets, and laptops to communicate or exchange data using radio waves. Your Wi-Fi signal, like visible light, can be hindered by certain objects. For example, some materials, such as water or coloured glass, allow light to pass through with no difficulty, while others, such as water or tinted glass, allow just a small amount of light to pass through.
What factors influence signal strength?
The 2.4, 3.6, and 5 GHz frequency bands are used for Wi-Fi communication. 2.4 GHz cordless phones and microwave ovens are the two most typical sources of wireless network interference.
Wi-Fi from your neighbours could slow you down.
At certain ranges, Wi-Fi is comparable to extremely busy motorways. Your neighbours' Wi-Fi networks may interfere with yours if you use a 2.4 GHz router and reside in a densely populated location, such as an apartment complex or a long row of townhomes. This slows down the network and may have an adverse effect on the device's performance.
Hold down the Option key and click on the Wi-Fi icon on a Mac. Then choose Open Wireless Diagnostics from the drop-down menu. Select Window, then Scan, then Scan Now, and your computer will show you which 2.4 and 5 GHz channels are the best for your network. Click here for additional information.
It's possible that your walls are interfering with your signal.
In principle, Wi-Fi signals can flow through walls and other obstructions rather readily. However, some walls, such as concrete (think dorms), are thicker than others and may cause signal slowdown or blocking. Harder, denser materials, such as drywall, plywood, and glass, are easily penetrable, but they may present issues.
Household appliances could also be the source of the problem.
Wireless interference can be caused by a variety of tiny household gadgets, including cordless phones, baby monitors, and even your microwave. When using the microwave or cordless phone, the wireless network may be cut out depending on the severity of the obstruction.
Replace your cordless phones with phones that run on a different frequency, such as 900 MHz or 1.9 GHz, to fix cordless phone issues. Wireless networks will be harmed by cordless phones that use the 2.4 GHz band.
Fluorescent lamps, 2.4 GHz video cameras, and Bluetooth radios are also possible sources of interference.
Advice from the experts
We recommend the following strategies for getting the optimum signal at home:
- Place your router in the centre of your home, not a spare room. As a result, the signal is more widely available across your home.
- Keep your router upright, and if you have an antenna, make sure it's in the upright position as well, even if it can move horizontally in some circumstances. According to him, facing up is the greatest position.
- Lift your router off the floor and place it on a desk or bookcase, for example.