The new academic year has just begun, but with a major twist. You’re teaching from home using online resources. As you take this new challenge head-on, here are some tips to create an ideal workspace at home. A space where you bring learning to life as beautifully as you did in your classroom.
Find the space
Begin by identifying the space in your house you wish to work from. If possible, set aside a room. An airy, well-lit space is conducive to productivity. Once you identify the workspace, define clear boundaries and respect them. You may consider blocking off your section of the room with a divider if you are sharing the space. Do not allow any of your work materials to escape these borders. That way you won’t spend hours locating important items. Not letting your work flow over your entire home will also help you relax once you sign out from classes.
Furnish functionally
You are going to spend long hours at your workstation as you teach from home. It is wise to invest in a sturdy, spacious, well-designed desk and a comfortable chair with good lower back support. Prioritise comfort and functionality over style, and your body will thank you later.
Set up equipment
Mobile devices and laptops will need to be charged for online teaching, so access to an electric outlet is important. Keep your whiteboard and marker ready incase you need them to use during the class along with your daily planner. Ensure that your web camera is at least 15cm away from your face. You may also want to test your audio and video connection before you begin the class. You can use an in-PC mic but you are better off with earphones/mic headset.
Use the best tools
Online teaching requires you to engineer whole new learning environments. Use effective multimedia tools such as Baiboard, Google Slides, Prezi, Canva, Todait and more that help you create unique virtual experiences that enrich the learning experience for your students.
Plan and organise the workstation
Plan what you wish to accomplish as you teach online. List out all the activities you will be working on (planning lessons, conducting virtual classes, grading, etc.). Then brainstorm and list out all the supplies needed for each task. Once you have your supplies in hand, organise them on the basis of frequency of use. Keep all the essentials handy. Use the desk surface or drawers for these.
Keep your inspiration close
On the tough days, remind yourself of why you are doing this work. Yes, the classroom memories belong on the wall your desk faces.
Maintain your workspace daily
Declutter your space at the end of each working day. Make sure all supplies go back to their designated storage spaces. Organise everything for the next school day, and wipe the surface clean. Teaching will seem more welcoming the next day.
Make sure to share this blog with your fellow teachers as they venture into the new territory of
online teaching alongside you.